Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Playing at the Park in January!

We have had several days of absolutely beautiful weather...and it's January!  So we took the opportunity to enjoy the new park they built by our house.  The boys loved it and I loved that they were playing outside!
Wiley and Justin...he constantly says, "higher, higher!"

My sweet little Van Van!

Down he goes!

Such a big boy!

Playing peek-a-boo in the trees!

My brown eyed boy...LOVE HIM!

Just a swingin'

My sweet funny bunny Wiley!

I love when he really smiles...he is into the fake smile right now and seeing this one makes my day.

Happy Boy!

Now his true crazy personality shines through!

Crazy Hair Boy!!!

Mommy and the Van!

1 comment:

  1. I love the pic of Wiley with his huge ole' smile in the swing!
